June 2021: Kubernetes & Komodor are Birthday Buddies!

There is no doubt that June is our favorite month to celebrate. The reason is quite simple: June 2021 marks Komodor’s very first birthday AND Kubernetes’ 7th anniversary!

Over the past 7 years, Kubernetes has flourished, turning into the new standard for computing, thanks to it’s dedicated community. Now, as we celebrate our double-birthday, we ask ourselves: what’s next for Kubernetes? Which new trends and opportunities will it provide in the next few years? What challenges will its users face?

To answer these questions, we’ve sat down with our Kubernetes experts team to hear their perspectives and predictions on what’s to come.

Here’s what they had to say:

Itiel Shwartz

“I think k8s will become the new AWS – as more and more stateful applications will go into k8s, existing tools such as sqs/s3 will lose some of their appeal, and make k8s a virtual cloud, agnostic to the real cloud provider it’s running on.“
Itiel Shwartz, CTO and Co-founder

Mickael Alliel

“There is no doubt k8s is one of the most centric places to orchestrate & build a product since it integrates so well with the leading cloud providers. To do 99% of the things you need to do, you don’t need to leave the k8s cluster. Moving forward, I see us being able to run literally everything from within our k8s clusters.”
Mickael Alliel, DevOps/Full Stack Developer

Rona Hirsh

“Kubernetes will play an important role as a universal management platform and will be the standard for shipping to any cloud. More organizations will develop software specifically with Kubernetes in mind.”
Rona Hirsch, Software Developer

Elad Avid

“K8s will allow dev teams to build apps without worrying about ops, infra and production management, just like dev teams don’t worry much about hard drives or network card configs today. They’ll be able to write their code as a monolithic app and k8s will make sure communication and load are handled.“
Elad Aviv, Software Engineer

Itay Kimia

“It’s simple – in future, Kubernetes will be chosen for any type of production environment without any hesitation.”
Itay Kimia, Software Engineer

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