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  • Just Launched ValidKube. Here Are 7 Other K8s Open Source Projects We Love!

Just Launched ValidKube. Here Are 7 Other K8s Open Source Projects We Love!

I am excited to share that we’ve just launched our first open source project called ValidKube. The idea behind Validkube is to fuse together the capabilities of three other popular open-source projects (kubeval, kubectl-neat and trivy by Aqua) and present them in a single view, providing users with a way to ensure YAML code hygiene and security, all at the same time and with just a few clicks of the button.

We have seen firsthand that, all too often, there is a struggle when it comes to Kubernetes fundamentals, expertise and best practices. Also, being a by dev-for-dev company, who significantly relies on open source and Kubernetes ourselves, we knew we wanted to support the community & ecosystem by building a tool that could help remove some of the existing friction points and knowledge gaps. And so – ValidKube was born.

Curious to try it out? Then check it out here 🙂

ValidKube, your YAML companion

P.S Validkube is an open-source site, so please feel free to add more tools or capabilities!

So while we’re already here, chatting about Kubernetes Open Source projects, let’s check out some of our other favorite tools that we love and highly recommend (if you aren’t familiar with them already!)

The Other 7 k8s Open Source Projects We Love

1. Kubecost for Cost Management


Do you feel like you may be wasting precious budget on Kubernetes-related inefficiencies? Introducing Kubecost, our first open source project of this list, that is helping teams gain visibility into their Kubernetes spend. Kubecosts’ open source offering provides an awesome solution if you’re looking to gain visibility into their cost allocation, savings recommendations as well as helpful cost reports about your cluster cost distribution.

2. Prometheus for Monitoring


Next in line is a well-known CNCF-hosted project, Prometheus. Considered THE default monitoring solution for Kubernetes, Prometheus provides out-of-the-box monitoring capabilities by collecting metrics about your app and infrastructure. This is done by sending HTTP requests, also called a scrape, based on a predefined configuration. The scrape response is then parsed and stored, along with any relevant metrics and metadata, thereby enabling you to understand the state and trajectory of your system.

3. Fluent Bit for Logging


We can’t speak about monitoring tools without mentioning logging solutions – and for that, we love Fluent Bit – a Log Processor and Forwarder, created by the folks at Treasure Data that allows you to collect any data like metrics and logs from different sources, enrich them with filters and send them to multiple destinations. This tool comes particularly in handy with highly distributed environments where limited capacity and reduced overhead (for e.g. memory and CPU) are a big consideration.

4. ArgoCD for Continuous Delivery


Ok, we know – this may not be a surprise to many of you, but ArgoCD is certainly one of our favorites in this category. ArgoCD is an easy-to-use GitOps tool that enables you to maintain your Kubernetes resources within Git, by automatically syncing your K8s resources with what is in your Git repo. This enables you to accelerate your app deployment and lifecycle management without having to compromise on security and compliance.

5. OpenFaaS for Serverless Functions


Now here’s another project that combines the best of 2 worlds – serverless functions with Kubernetes. Meet OpenFaaS, a tool that makes it simple to deploy both functions and existing code to Kubernetes. With tools like OpenFaaS, you can reduce idle resources, quickly process data, and easily balance the load with intensive processing of a large number of requests.

6. Calico for Networking


Our next, favorite OS project is Calico – and, no, it’s not (only) because of their super, adorable cat mascot, “Felix”. This open source project has emerged as one of the most popular container network interface (CNI) solutions for Kubernetes cluster networking. It does this by making use of layer 3 to securely route packets to pods and provide network policies. It can also integrate with a service mesh to enforce workload policies within clusters.

7. Kubeflow for Machine Learning


Last, but certainly not least, we cannot finish this list without a mention about Kubeflow. Kubeflow is built on top of Kubernetes, containing a set of tools and frameworks to enable the development, deployment and management of Machine Learning models, workflows and services in a completely portable, simple and scalable manner.

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